Seminar: Fukaya categories and related topics
First Meeting: Thursday, October 29, 4pm
Location: MI, Seminarraum 0.003
Description: The goal of the seminar is to obtain a basic understanding of the workings
of Fukaya categories. After surveying the main ingredients which go into their construction,
we focus on specific situations where Fukaya categories admit a description of essentially
combinatorial nature. The topics we will focus on in this context are, time permitting:
• Seidel’s version of the Fukaya category for Lefschetz fibrations
• Khovanov’s construction of knot invariants and Seidel-Smith’s Fukaya theoretic de-
• Kontsevich’s construction of the topological Fukaya category of a surface and the
description of stability conditions
[1] M. Abouzaid and I. Smith. Khovanov homology from Floer cohomology. arXiv:1504.01230, 2015.
[2] D. Auroux. A beginners introduction to Fukaya categories. In Contact and Symplectic Topology, pages
85–136. Springer, 2014.
[3] F. Haiden, L. Katzarkov, and M. Kontsevich. Stability in Fukaya categories of surfaces. arXiv:1409.8611,
[4] B. Keller. Introduction to A-infinity algebras and modules. math.RA/9910179, 1999.
[5] M. Khovanov. A functor-valued invariant of tangles. Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2(2):665–741, 2002.
[6] D. McDuff and D. Salamon. Introduction to symplectic topology. Oxford University Press, 1998.
[7] P. Seidel. Fukaya categories and Picard-Lefschetz theory. European Mathematical Society, 2008.
[8] P. Seidel, I. Smith, et al. A link invariant from the symplectic geometry of nilpotent slices. Duke Mathe-
matical Journal, 134(3):453–514, 2006.