The students will study the material independently, assisted by (online) meetings. There will be a few assignments to complete. The student participation will be evaluated based on completion of the assignments as well as general participation.
Below is a detailed list of topics to be covered, with reference to the corresponding textbook sections and the relevant homework assignments.
Topic |
Reading Material |
Homework Assignment |
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1. Models of Set Theory
- Class models
- Relativization
- Relative Consistency
- Absoluteness
- Reflection Theorems
- Mostowski Collapse
- Jech: Chapter 12, pp. 161-164
- Kunen 2011: I.16 until p. 69
- For an introduction on relativization, absoluteness etc., the old (1980) edition of Kunen is a bit clearer than the new. See Chapter IV (p 110) from "Kunen 1980 Edition"
- 1980 Kunen: p. 113 - 117 (relativization of axioms)
- Jech p. 168 - 170 (reflection)
- Jech p. 68 - 69 (Mostowski collapse)
- Kunen 2011: Section II.5, p. 129 - 134) (reflection)
Assignment 1 |
2. Martin's Axiom MA
- Definition of the axiom
- Basic properties
Remark: the axiom may seem very arbitrary, but it is introduced first as a way of getting used to the terminology used in forcing theory later
- (Optional) An interesting application of MA to Lebesgue Measures
- Kunen 2011: Section III. 3, p. 171-175 (incl. proof of Lemma III.3.15)
- Kunen 2011: Lemma III.2.6, p. 166 - 167 (Delta-Systems Lemma)
3. Introduction to forcing
- The general idea
- Generic extensions
- Properties of M[G]
- The semantic forcing relation ⊩
Assignment 2
4. The technicalities of forcing
- The syntactic forcing relation ⊩*
- The Truth Lemma and Definability Lemma
- Equivalence of the two forcing relations
5. The ZFC Axioms
- M[G] ⊨ ZFC
- Con(ZFC) → Con(ZFC + V ≠ L)
Only if you know about L
- Kunen 2011: Lemma IV.2.15, Lemma IV.2.26 and Theorem IV.2.27
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6. Forcing ¬CH.
- Forcing to collapse cardinals
- Adding κ-many new reals by Cohen forcing
- Preservation of cardinals
- Delta-systems
- ccc forcings preserve cardinals
- Con(ZFC + ¬CH)
Assignment 3 |
7. Finer properties of forcing ¬CH
- Nice names for subsets of ω
- Forcing exact value of continuum
Assignment 4 |