Wann | Wer | Was | Abschnitt | Notizen | |
1. | Montag 2 August, 16-18 | Jarla Zienert | The analytic sets, the Suslin A-operation, and the projective hierarchy | S. 142-146 | |
2. | Dienstag 3 August, 15-17 | Thomas Lesmann | The projective sets from a logical perspective | S. 479 - 482 | |
3. | Dienstag 3 August, 17-19 | Omke Hendricks | Π11 Sets, Trees and κ-Suslin sets | S. 483 - 485 ausser Theorem 25.4 (siehe auch Definition 9.10) | |
4. | Donnerstag 5 August, 12-14 | Tim Seifert | Σ12 sets | S. 486 - 490 (bis inkl. Beweis von 25.19). |