Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology, Summer Term 2024
Julian Holstein,
Birgit Richter
In the summer term 2024 we will meet roughly every second Thursday
from 14:15h to 17:45 in
H2 (Geomatikum) or online. The precise dates are: 4.4., 18.4.,
25.4., 16.5., 6.6., 20.6., and 4.7.2024.
The topic for our working seminar is Hodge Theory and the plan for that is as follows:
- Define Hochschild and cyclic homology of associative algebras and the module
of Kähler differentials and differential forms of a commutative algebra.
What are these differentials for a polynomial algebra?
Describe the antisymmetrization map [Loday 1.1,2.1,1.3 with emphasis on
- For smooth algebras the antisymmetrization map induces an isomorphism.
That's the famous Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg (HKR) Theorem.
Tell us what smooth algebras are and prove the theorem. This also gives a
description of cyclic homology for smooth algebras in characteristic zero
[Loday, 3.4].
- For any commutative algebra in characteristic zero whose underlying module
is flat, the Hochschild homology groups split into a direct sum. This
decomposition is the so-called Hodge decomposition of Hochschild homology. One
proof uses the fundamental spectral sequence [Loday 3.5].
- Define Hodge structure on smooth projective varieties.
Consider the smooth de Rham complex and the holomorphic de Rham complex as a
resolutions of the constant sheaf. Recall de Rham cohomology [Voisin 4.37].
Truncate the holomorphic de Rham complex to obtain a filtration, and the
Fröhlicher (aka Hodge-to-de Rham) spectral sequence [Voisin 8.2.1, 8.3.3].
Take collapse of the spectral sequence as a black box and define abstract
Hodge structure [Voisin 7.1.1] and consider Examples [Voisin, 7.2.1, 7.2.2].
Talk about polarization [7.1.2] in the unlikely case there’s more time.
- Prove degeneration of the Fröhlicher spectrial sequence, depending on taste.
Either: Introduce the different Laplacians and harmonic forms on complex
manifolds [Voisin 5.1], represent cohomology by harmonic [5.3.1], talk about
the Kähler identities and Hodge decomposition [6.1]
Or: Sketch the algebraic proof of the degeneration of the Fröhlicher spectral
sequence using reduction to characteristic p, following [Illusie].
(This is only recommended with solid prior knowledge of algebraic geometry in characteristic p.)
- Compare the Hodge filtrations on Hochschild homology and de Rham cohomology
of a smooth variety [Weibel, §1]. Talk briefly about the cyclic case and
examples of smooth projective varieties [§2-4].
Luc Illusie, Frobenius and Hodge Degeneration, in: Bertin, José, Demailly,
Jean-Pierre, Illusie, Luc, Peters, Chris:
Introduction to Hodge theory. Translated from the 1996 French original by
James Lewis and Peters, SMF/AMS Texts Monogr., 8
American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; Société Mathématique de France,
Paris, 2002.
Jean-Louis Loday, Cyclic homology, Grundlehren Math. Wiss., 301,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998.
Daniel Quillen, Gordon Blower, Topics in Cyclic Theory, London Mathematical
Society Student Texts 97, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Claire Voisin,
Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry.
Translated from the French by Leila Schneps. Reprint of the 2002
English edition. Cambridge Stud. Adv. Math., 76 and 77, 2007,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Charles Weibel,
The Hodge filtration and cyclic homology.
K-Theory 12, 1997, no.2, 145--164.
If you want to give a talk in the working seminar, send an email to us.
If you
are interested in participating, then please register for the
mailing list of the seminar by sending "subscribe" to