Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology, Summer Term 2024

Julian Holstein, Birgit Richter

In the summer term 2024 we will meet roughly every second Thursday from 14:15h to 17:45 in H2 (Geomatikum) or online. The precise dates are: 4.4., 18.4., 25.4., 16.5., 6.6., 20.6., and 4.7.2024.

The topic for our working seminar is Hodge Theory and the plan for that is as follows:

  1. Define Hochschild and cyclic homology of associative algebras and the module of Kähler differentials and differential forms of a commutative algebra. What are these differentials for a polynomial algebra? Describe the antisymmetrization map [Loday 1.1,2.1,1.3 with emphasis on 1.3.10-1.3.12].
  2. For smooth algebras the antisymmetrization map induces an isomorphism. That's the famous Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg (HKR) Theorem. Tell us what smooth algebras are and prove the theorem. This also gives a description of cyclic homology for smooth algebras in characteristic zero [Loday, 3.4].
  3. For any commutative algebra in characteristic zero whose underlying module is flat, the Hochschild homology groups split into a direct sum. This decomposition is the so-called Hodge decomposition of Hochschild homology. One proof uses the fundamental spectral sequence [Loday 3.5].
  4. Define Hodge structure on smooth projective varieties. Consider the smooth de Rham complex and the holomorphic de Rham complex as a resolutions of the constant sheaf. Recall de Rham cohomology [Voisin 4.37]. Truncate the holomorphic de Rham complex to obtain a filtration, and the Fröhlicher (aka Hodge-to-de Rham) spectral sequence [Voisin 8.2.1, 8.3.3]. Take collapse of the spectral sequence as a black box and define abstract Hodge structure [Voisin 7.1.1] and consider Examples [Voisin, 7.2.1, 7.2.2]. Talk about polarization [7.1.2] in the unlikely case there’s more time.
  5. Prove degeneration of the Fröhlicher spectrial sequence, depending on taste. Either: Introduce the different Laplacians and harmonic forms on complex manifolds [Voisin 5.1], represent cohomology by harmonic [5.3.1], talk about the Kähler identities and Hodge decomposition [6.1] Or: Sketch the algebraic proof of the degeneration of the Fröhlicher spectral sequence using reduction to characteristic p, following [Illusie]. (This is only recommended with solid prior knowledge of algebraic geometry in characteristic p.)
  6. Compare the Hodge filtrations on Hochschild homology and de Rham cohomology of a smooth variety [Weibel, §1]. Talk briefly about the cyclic case and examples of smooth projective varieties [§2-4].

If you want to give a talk in the working seminar, send an email to us. If you are interested in participating, then please register for the mailing list of the seminar by sending "subscribe" to
