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Nathan Bowler
Lecture course "Infinite Matroid Theory", winter semester 2017/2018
Course notes
There is an overleaf file containing lecture notes for this course (starting at Chapter 2) here. Many thanks to Julia Schawaller for creating these notes and to all who contribute to them.
Exercise sheets (Deadlines in brackets)
There will be one exercise sheet per week.
Here are the exercise sheets:
Background material:
For information on finite matroids, see `Matroid Theory' by James Oxley. Papers about infinite matroids can be found here. The websites for previous versions of this course can be found here and here.
17.10. | Independent sets |
19.10. | Bases and circuits |
2.11. | Duality |
7.11. | Minors |
9.11. | Matroid union and intersection |
14.11. | Scrawl systems |
16.11. | Algebraic scrawl systems |
21.11. | Hereditarily based scrawl systems |
23.11. | Infinite matroids |
28.11. | Twinned pairs of matroids |
30.11. | Limits of diagrams of topological spaces |
5.12. | The structure of |G| |
7.12. | Topological circuits |
12.12. | Definition and examples of tame and wild matroids |
14.12. | Axioms for tame matroids |
19.12. | Uniform and patchwork matroids |
21.12. | Existence of dense antichains |
9.1. | Binary thin sums matroids |
11.1. | Equivalent characterisations |
16.1. | Tangles and torsos |
18.1. | Restricting profiles to blocks |
23.1. | Extending nested sets of separations |