Nathan Bowler
Lecture course "Linear Algebra", summer semester 2016
Useful formulas for the exam.
Exercise sheets
There will be an exercise sheet every week.
Here are the exercise sheets:
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10
Sheet 11
And here are the solutions:
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5
Sheet 6
Sheet 7
Sheet 8
Sheet 9
Sheet 10
Sheet 11
Related reading:
The course is based on the book `Lineare Algebra. Eine Einführung', by G. G. Grä'mlich
The notes from 2013 are available here
08.04 | Systems of linear equations and how to represent them as matrices.
15.04 | Solving systems of linear equations: the Gauß- and Gauß-Jordan-procedures.
22.04 | Matrices: addition, scalar multiplication and matrix multiplication.
29.04 | Inverse matrices
06.05 | Basic operations in Rn
13.05 | Lines and planes in R^n
27.05 | Mock exam
3.06 | Vector spaces and subspaces
10.06 | Spans and linear independence
17.06 | The structure of the solution set of a system of linear equations
24.06 | Finding bases for the 4 fundamental spaces of a matrix.
Office hours:
Tu, 3-4pm; Fri, 10-11am.