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PD Dr. Max Pitz
Fachbereich Mathematik
Bereich DM
Bundesstraße 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg
Raum 238
Tel.: +49 40 42838-7658
max.pitz (at) uni-hamburg.de
Mittwochs, 12-13 Uhr.
- Übungsleitung zur Vorlesung Themen der diskreten Mathematik von Prof. Dr. Mathias Schacht.
- Übungen zur Vorlesung Querschnittsthemen der Mathematik von PD Dr. Hubert Kiechle.
- Hochschullehrer des Semesters am Fachbereich Mathematik im SoSe 2018 + WiSe 2022.
Vergangene Lehre.
Selected publications and preprints
- Linked tree-decompositions into finite parts (with S. Albrechtsen, R.W. Jacobs and P. Knappe), submitted. (ArXiv).
- A representation theorem for end spaces of infinite graphs (with J. Kurkofka), submitted. (ArXiv).
- Eulerian spaces (with P. Gartside), Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 292 (2023), 86 pp. (Journal/ArXiv).
- Proof of Halin's normal spanning tree conjecture, Israel J. Math. 246 (2021), 353-370. (Journal/ArXiv).
- A counterexample to the reconstruction conjecture for locally finite trees (with N. Bowler, J. Erde, P. Heinig and F. Lehner), Bull. London Math. Soc. 49 (2017), 630-648. (Journal/ArXiv).
- Reconstructing compact metrizable spaces (with P. Gartside and R. Suabedissen), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 429-443. (Journal/ArXiv).
Complete list of publications.
Selected talks
- Applications of order trees in infinite graphs, Invited plenary talk, ALGOS2020, Nancy, France, August 2020.
- Infinite Eulerian graphs and strongly irreducible images of intervals, Invited talk for the special session on Topology and Graph Theory, Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference, Birmingham AL, March 2019.
- Recent developments in reconstruction of infinite graphs, International Conference on Graph Theory, Lyon, France, July 2018.
- Updates on the ubiquity conjecture, Berlin-Poznań-Hamburg Seminar, Berlin, Germany, June 2018.
Short CV
I am a tenured lecturer/researcher in the Research Group for Discrete Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Universität Hamburg.
- Habilitation in Mathematics, Universität Hamburg, 2020.
- DPhil in Mathematics, University of Oxford, 2015.
- MSc in Mathematics, University of Oxford, 2011.
- BSc in Mathematics, Technische Universität München, 2010.