Since March 2017:
Assistant professor at Universität Hamburg leading the research group “Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging”
September 2015–February 2017:
Academy post-doctoral researcher in the Inverse Problems group at the Eastern University of Finland in Kuopio and working in the Academy of Finland project “Approximation error modelling in large scale inverse problems in imaging” (2015–2018)
April 2013–August 2015:
Post-doctoral researcher in the research group “Applied and Numerical Analysis” at the University of Osnabrück working within the Helmholtz young investigator group “Fast algorithms for biomedical imaging” (Helmholtz Zentrum München)
January 2008–April 2013:
Research assistant in the at the WG Industrial Mathematics at the Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen, working within the DFG priority program SPP1180, project “Mathematical methods for precision balancing of machine tool” (2008–2011) and the SFB “Micro cold forming (2012–2013)
November 2007–December 2007:
Research assistant in the research group “Solid physics” at the University of Rostock, working within the SFB 652, project B1 Exciton matter in mesoscopic potentials (Tasks: Implementation of a phase retrieval algorithm for ultrashort laser pulses)