Prof. Dr. Winnifried Wollner
Professor of Optimization
University of Hamburg
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics
AM – Applied Mathematics
Bundesstraße 55
20146 Hamburg
Room: 115
Office hours
during the winter term 2024/2025 (14.10.2024-20.12.2024 & 06.01.2025-31.01.2025)
Hybrid-Sprechstunde: Friday 09:00-10:00 (no office hour on 20.12.2024 and 31.01.2025)
BigBlueButton-Link (Kennung: '895 769' without whitespace) or by appointment
Tel: +49 40 42838-4079
ORCID: 0000-0002-6571-8043
More information can be found on my personal website
Short CV
- 2022—: Professor at Universität Hamburg, Germany
- 2015—2022: Professor at Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- 2011—2015: Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessor) at University of Hamburg, Germany
- 2010—2011: Post-Doc in the Group of Prof. Dr. R. Rannacher at University of Heidelberg, Germany
- 2010: PhD from University of Heidelberg, Germany (Advisor: Prof. Dr. R. Rannacher)
- 2002—2006: Study of Mathematics (Diploma), University of Heidelberg, Germany
- 2001—2002: Mandatory Civilian Service, Hamburg, Germany
Professional Responsibilities
- 2023—2024: "Beauftragter für Studium und Lehre" at the Department of Mathematics, Universität Hamburg
- 2023—: Member of the "MIN Faculty Council" at Universität Hamburg
- 2023—: Member of the Departments Equal Opportunities Team
- 2023—: Faculty-Advisor of the"GAMM Student Chapter" at Universität Hamburg
- 2022—: Member of the Departement Council Mathematics at University Hamburg
- 2022—: Chair of the Prüfungsausschusses B.Sc. Mathematik and Diplom Mathematik, vice chair M.Sc. Mathematik at University Hamburg
- 2019—2022: Member of the “Senatsausschuss Lehre” at Technische Universität Darmstadt
- 2017—2022: Member of the Faculty Council of the Fachbereich Mathematik at Technische Universität Darmstadt
- 2017—2021: Speaker of the GAMM Activity Group “Optimization with PDE Constraints”
- 2016—2022: Vice-Chair of the “Prüfungskommission Mathematik” at Technische Universität Darmstadt
- 2015: Faculty-Advisor of the SIAM Student Chapter at University of Hamburg
- 2014—2017: Vice-Speaker of the GAMM Activity Group “Optimization with PDE Constraints”
- 2011—2014: Member of the MIN-Faculty Council at University Hamburg
Awards and Stipends
- 2014: Award: Teacher of the summerterm 2014 at Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg
- 2008—2010: Associate Member of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences (HGS)
- 2007—2010: Associate Member of the IGK 710
- 2005—2006: Stipendiary of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
Current Projects:
Past Projects:
- Project: A shape optimization approach towards scalable algorithms allowing large deformations (Substitute PI for M. Siebenborn) (2022—2023)
- DFG Schwerpunkt Programm 1962: “Non-smooth and Complementarity-based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization”
- Project P17: Optimizing Fracture Propagation Using a Phase-Field Approach (Joint with I. Neitzel)
- DFG SFB TRR 154: “Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using the Example of Gas Networks”
- Project A08: Discretization error in mixed integer optimization (central funds of TRR 154)
Editorial activities
Since 2024
- Editorial Board of the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
- Editorial Board of the International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics
Since 2012
- Editorial Board of the OPTPDE Problem Collection
- Aug 12–16: Organizer of “IFIP TC7 System Modeling and Optimization” at Universität Hamburg
- Aug 7-9: Organizer of "TRR 154 Summer School on Optimization, Uncertainty and Artificial Intelligence" at Universität Hamburg
- Jul 13–15: Organizer of “WAND 2022 - Workshop on Adaptive Methods and Novel Discretization Techniques in Continuum Mechanics” at Universität Salzburg
- Sep 29– Oct 1: Invited Speaker at Workshop “BI.discrete21 Numerical Analysis Workshop in Bielefeld”
- Sep 6–9: Invited Speaker at “Workshop on Modeling, Simulation & Optimization of Fluid Dynamic Applications in Groß Schwansee”
- Feb 25: Invited Speaker at AACMME (International Online Conference on Applied Analysis Computation and Mathmetical Modeling in Engineering)
- Sep 14–17: Organizer of Minisymposium “Discretization aspects in PDE-constrained optimization” at DMV 2020
- Jul 1–3: Organizer of “WAND 2020 - Workshop on Adaptive Methods and Novel Discretization Techniques in Continuum Mechanics” at Universität Salzburg (postponed to 2022)
- Sep 25–26: Invited Speaker at Workshop “BI.discrete Numerical Analysis in Bielefeld”
- Jul 15–19: Organizer of Minisymposium “Phase-Field Models in Simulation and Optimization” at ICIAM 2019
- Jun 18–21: Organizer of Minisymposium “Numerical Methods for Phase Field Fracture Problems” at MAFELAP 2019
- Feb 18–22: Section Organizer of Section S19 “Optimization of differential equation” at GAMM 2019
- Oct 8–9: Organizer of Workshop “Current trends and open problems in computational solid mechanics”, at U Hannover
- Jun 17–20: Invited Speaker at International Workshop on PDEs: Analysis and Modelling, at U Zagreb, Croatia
- Oct 4–6: Organizer of Workshop “Optimization of Infinite Dimensional Non-Smooth Distributed Parameter Systems”, at TU Darmstadt
- Oct 10–12: Invited Speaker at IWH Symposium Simulation and Optimization of Extreme Fluids
- Sep 26–28: Lecturer for “Optimal control of PDEs” in the Lecture Series of the SFB-TRR-154
- Sep 19–22: Invited Speaker at Autumn School Algorithmic Optimization
- Sep 14–18: Organizer of Minisymposium “Numerical Analysis and Methods for Problems with Singularities” at ENUMATH 2015
- Mar 23–27: Organizer of Young-Researchers Minisymposium “Discretization aspects in PDE constrained optimization” at GAMM 2015
- Aug 04–15: Organizer of Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2014, Simulation, Optimization, and Identification in Solid Mechanics.
The report in SIAM News.
- Nov 25– Dec 06: Invited Speaker for “Workshop on Optimization with PDE constraints” at TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics
- Sep 09–13: Organizer of Minisymposium “Adaptivity and Model Order Reduction in PDE Constrained Optimization” at IFIP TC 7/2013
- Jul 17–19: Organizer of Focus Section “Algorithms and adaptivity for PDE-constrained optimization” at EUCCO 2013
- Mar 18–22: Section Organizer of Section S19 “Optimization of differential equation” at GAMM 2013
- Jul 25–27: Organizer of Workshop on Adaptivity and Model Order Reduction in PDE Constrained Optimization
- Jul 23–24: Organizer of Summerschool on Adaptivity and Model Order Reduction in PDE Constrained Optimization
- Jul 21–25: Organizer of MOSOCOP 08
Courses Universität Hamburg (Summer Semester 2022– )
Universität Hamburg (2022– )
Winter Semester 2023/2024
- Lecture: Optimization for students of Informatics
- Lecture: Optimization of Complex Systems (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor/Master)
Summer Semester 2023
- Lecture: Optimization
- Lecture: Numerical Methods for PDEs: Galerkin Methods (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor/Master)
Winter Semester 2022/2023
- Lecture: Optimization for students of Informatics
- Lecture: Optimization of Complex Systems (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2022
- Lecture: Optimization
- Lecture: Nonsmooth Optimization (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
- Proseminar: Elementare Geometrie und Beweise aus dem BUCH
TU Darmstadt (2015–2022)
Winter Semester 2021/22
- Lecture: Nonlinear Optimization (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2021
- Lecture: Optimierung mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Winter Semester 2020/21
- Lecture: Einführung in die Optimierung
- Lecture: Mathematik III (Bau)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2020
- Lecture: Nichtglatte Optimierung
- Lecture: Mathematik II (Bau)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Winter Semester 2019/20
- Lecture: Optimierung im Funktionenraum
- Lecture: Mathematik I (Bau)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2019
Research sabbatical
Winter Semester 2018/19
- Lecture: Nichtlineare Optimierung
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2018
- Lecture: Optimierung im Funktionenraum
Winter Semester 2017/18
- Lecture: Mathematik III (Bau)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Summer Semester 2017
- Lecture: Numerik der Optimierung mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen
- Lecture: Mathematik II (Bau)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Winter Semester 2016/17
- Lecture: Mathematik I (Bau)
- Lecture: Nichtlineare Optimierung
Summer Semester 2016
- Lecture: Optimierung mit partiellen Differentialgleichungen
- Lecture: Elementare partielle Differentialgleichungen
- Seminar: Optimierung (Master)
- Seminar: Optimierung (Bachelor)
Winter Semester 2015/16
- Lecture: Nichtglatte Optimierung
- Lecture: Mathematik III (Bau)
Universität Hamburg (2011–2015)
Summer Semester 2015
- Lecture: Optimierung
- Seminar: Optimierung
Winter Semester 2014/15
Research sabbatical
Summer Semester 2014
- Lecture: Optimierung
- Lecture: Numerical Methods for PDEs - Finite Elements (in English)
- Seminar: Optimierung
Winter Semester 2013/14
- Orientierungseinheit für Studienanfänger/innen Orientation module for first-year students
- Lecture: Optimization of complex systems governed by ODEs and PDEs (in English)
- Lecture: Optimization of Complex Systems (partially in English)
Summer Semester 2013
Winter Semester 2012/13
- Seminar: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen
- Lecture: Adaptive Finite Elemente Methoden
Summer Semester 2012
- Seminar: Angewandte Mathematik
- Lecture: Numerical Methods for partial differential equations - Galerkin Methodsumerical (in English)
Winter Semester 2011/12
- Seminar: Optimierung
- Lecture: Optimization of complex systems governed by ODEs and PDEs (in English)
- Lecture: Optimization of Complex Systems (partially in English)
Summer Semester 2011
Teaching assistance and supervising (–2011)
Teaching assistant
- Winter Semester 2010/11: Höhere Analysis (R. Rannacher)
- Summer Semester 2010: Analysis 2 (R. Rannacher)
- Winter Semester 2009/10: Analysis 1 (R. Rannacher)
Supervision of seminar participants and software interns
- Winter Semester 2010/11: Proseminar Analysis (R. Rannacher, W. Wollner)
- Summer Semester 2010: Proseminar Analysis (R. Rannacher, W. Wollner)
- Summer Semester 2009: Seminar Numerische Mathematik (T. Richter, W. Wollner)
- Winter Semester 2008/09: Software-Praktikum Numerik für Fortgeschrittene (T. Richter, W. Wollner)
- Winter Semester 2008/09: Proseminar Numerische Mathematik (R. Rannacher, W. Wollner)
- Summer Semester 2008: Software-Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene, Einführung in Gascoigne (zusammen mit M. Schmich)
- Summer Semester 2008: Seminar Numerische Mathematik (R. Rannacher)
- Winter Semester 2007/08: Seminar Numerische Mathematik (R. Rannacher)
- Summer Semester 2007: Seminar Numerische Mathematik (R. Rannacher)
- Summer Semester 2007: Proseminar Numerische Mathematik (R. Rannacher)
Tutor for the following courses
- Summer Semester 2006: Numerik partieller Differentialgleichungen (R. Rannacher)
- Winter Semester 2005/06: Numerik gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen (R. Rannacher)
- Summer Semester 2005: Einführung in die Numerik (R. Rannacher)
- Winter Semester 2004/05: Analysis 1 (E. Freitag)
- Winter Semester 2003/04: Analysis 1 (W. Jäger)
Further links
Department of Mathematics
AM – Applied Mathematics
Bundesstraße 55, Room 134
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 42838-4941
Deputy: For Applied Mathematics: Monika Jampert
Office hours
Mon - Fri, 08:00 am - 4:00 pm (flexible working hours)
(Home office Wed and Fri)