Integrated models for production and inventories. Supply chains
Queueing theory and inventory theory are fields of Operations Research with different methodologies to optimize e.g. production processes and inventory control. In classical Operations Research queueing theory and inventory theory are often considered as disjoint areas of research. On the other side, the emergence of complex supply chains calls for integrated queueing–inventory models, which are the focus of our present research. We consider a supply chain consisting of production systems (servers) at several locations, each with a local inventory, and a supplier network of workstations, which manufactures items of possibly different kinds (raw material), to replenish the local inventories.
Recent applications, where
Collaboration with Nha-Nghi de la Cruz (Hamburg University), Ruslan Krenzler (Hamburg University), Rafal Kulik (Wroclaw University), Pawel Lorek (Wroclaw University), Christian Malchin (Hamburg University), Sonja Otten (Hamburg University), Cornelia Sauer (Hamburg University), Maike Schwarz (Hamburg University), Ryszard Szekli (Wroclaw University), Kersten Tippner (Hamburg University)
Some recent articles concerning Integrated models for production and inventories. Supply chains:
- Monotonicity of Base Stock Policies (with Nha-Nghi de la Cruz)
Operations Research Letters 44, 186 – 190, 2016, - Models for integrated production-inventory systems: Steady state and cost analysis (with Sonja Otten and Ruslan Krenzler)
Int. Journal of Production Research, 54 (20), 6174 – 6191, 2016, DOI:10.1080/00207543.2015.10826692015, - Queueing systems with inventory management with random lead times and with backordering (with M. Schwarz )
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 64, 383–414, 2006
also available as: Preprint No.2005–03, Schwerpunkt Mathematische Statistik und Stochastische Prozesse, University of Hamburg 2005, ps–file. - Product form models for queueing networks with an inventory (with M. Schwarz and C. Sauer)
Stochastic Models 23, 627 – 663, 2007; also available as extended version:
Exponential queueing networks with an attached inventory under (r,Q)– or (r,S)–policy (with M. Schwarz and C. Sauer)
Preprint No.2003–09, Schwerpunkt Mathematische Statistik und Stochastische Prozesse, University of Hamburg 2003. - M/M/1 Queueing systems with inventory
(with Maike K. Schwarz, Cornelia Sauer, Rafal Kulik, Ryszard Szekli)
Queueing Systems and Their Applications 54, 55 – 78, 2006
also available as: Preprint No.2003–07, Schwerpunkt Mathematische Statistik und Stochastische Prozesse, University of Hamburg 2003.