AFS network filesystem
AFS-usage at the Mathematics department
The AFS is the network filesystem at the Mathematics department. The home directories and the homepage directories are located within the AFS. You can access the AFS from around the world, thus you can also use it on your private computer at home. Unix and Windows systems access the same files.
In the ITwiki of the Mathematics department you'll find more details on using and installing the AFS.
AFS-usage for long-time computing jobs
Kerberos-tickets and AFS-tokens, which are necessary for accessing the AFS-filesystem are limited in their validity due to security reasons. (2 weeks). To realize computations independent of the SSH connection, please follow the instructions in the ITwiki.
Unix-permissions are mostly irrelevant within the AFS. Instead, there are very flexible Access Control Lists (ACL). Everyone can access their own home directory; group permissions are used to some extent e.g. for the webpages.
If you want to provide access to an AFS-directory for several users, please follow the instruction at Gruppenberechtigungen im AFS. You can also set up a group-directory for an AFS-group with members managed by yourself. For any questions regarding access to the AFS or setting up groups, please contact the Request-Tracker(rt"AT" . (Please provide your identifier, function and directory).
Passwordless SSH-Logins with public keys are not possible, as the target host can't access your home directory without password or Kerberos-ticket. If you already own a Kerberos-ticket, you can pass it on and thus enter without a password:
ssh -K <target host>
On Windows systems you can use putty for a passwordless login with a ticket from the 'Network Identity Manager' to our servers.
A login via SSH is for example possible on the login servers and as host.
Self-managed computers
Instructions for self-managed computers for Linux, Windows and OS X can also be found in the ITwiki.
The name of our Kerberos-REALM is MATH.UNI-HAMBURG.DE with its servers:
The AFS-servers are:
The name of the AFS-cell is
As a normal user you'll need a Kerberos-ticket and an AFS-token:
kinit <KENNUNG> ; aklog or long form
The long form is necessary if you have preconfigured another standard Kerberos-realm or another standard AFS-cell within your system. Please note to write the REALM in upper case and the cell in lower case.