Niclas Confurius
Department of Mathematics
Research Group AZ
Bundesstr. 55 (Geomatikum)
20146 Hamburg
Room 332
phone: +49 40 42838-5193
Niclas.Confurius (at)
pronouns: he / him
I am currently a PhD student in the area of number theory. My supervisor is Prof. Dr. Ulf Kühn. I am interested in q-analogues of Multiple Zeta Values and relations amongst them.
Office hours in the sommer semester 2024:
By appointment.
- Winter semester 24/25: Tutorial on "Digitale Medien zur Mathematik" (course for primary school teachers on digital media in mathematics)
- Sommer semester 24: Tutorial on "Mathematik IV für Studierende der Physik" (course for physics students and others)
- Winter semester 23/24: Tutorial on "Mathematik III für Studierende der Physik" (course for physics students and others)
- Winter semester 22/23: Lecture and tutorial on "Vertiefung Analysis" (calculus for teachers)
- Winter semester 20/21: Tutorial on "Einführung in das mathematische Denken und Arbeiten" (introductory course for teachers)
- Sommer semester 20: Tutorial on "Einführung in mathematische Software" (course on mathematical software for teachers)
- Winter semester 19/20: Tutorial on "Stochastik" (stochastics for teachers)
Master thesis:
N. Confurius: Period polynomials and multivariate extensions
I am currently on a committee for research and young academics of the Academic Senate. (German website: Ausschuss für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs)