Benedikt Löwe: Events.
Events organized (including memberships in organizing committees).
- 1999. FotFS I (Berlin).
- 2000. Short course Determinacy & the Wadge
Hierarchy (Bonn) taught by Alessandra Andretta; Short course AD+
(Bonn) taught by Richard Ketchersid; FotFS II
- 2001. Informal Meeting
of Set Theorists 2001 (Bonn); FotFS III (Vienna); Retirement
Colloquium for Ronald Jensen (Berlin); Festkolloquium aus Anlaß des
60. Geburtstags von Ulrich Felgner (Tübingen).
- 2002. Short Course Determinacy and Cardinal Invariants (Bonn) taught by Jindrich
Zapletal; LC 2002 (Münster), CL 2002 (Münster), Informal Meeting of Set Theorists
2002 (Bonn).
- 2002-2007. Vortragsreihe
colloquium logicum an der Universität Bonn
(clUB): public lectures by P. Blackburn, B. Kienzle, H. Schwichtenberg, R. van Rooij, W.
Hodges, G. Mints, G. Priest, and S. Read.
- 2003. FotFS IV (Bonn);
LiB-Day in Amsterdam; SWIFT (Bonn);
ILLC-Day in Bonn.
- 2003-2007. Colloquium on
Mathematical Logic. (Amsterdam-Utrecht)
- 2004. ILLC-Day 2 in
Bonn "Language"; FotFS V (Bonn).
- 2005. PhiMSAMP-0 (Bonn);
CiE 2005 (Amsterdam); Special Session in Set Theory at
AMS-DMV-ÖMG Conference (Mainz); ADMW 7
- 2006. Miniworkshop on Medieval Logic (Amsterdam); CiE 2006 (Swansea); GLLC 12: Games in Set Theory
(Amsterdam); PhiMSAMP-1 (Berlin).
- 2007. International Conference on Logic, Navya-Nyaya & Applications (Calcutta); KNAW
Academie Colloquium New perspectives on Games and
Interaction (Amsterdam); PMP 2007
(Brussels), FotFS VI (Amsterdam); GMPR-LS
1 (Bonn); CiE 2007 (Siena); 1st European Conference on Set Theory
(Bedlewo); GLLC 14½
(Amsterdam); PhiMSAMP-2 (Utrecht).
- 2008. LSIR-1
(Aberdeen); GLoRiClass Halftime
Event (Amsterdam); PhiMSAMP-3 (Vienna); CiE 2008 (Athens); LOFT 2008 (Amsterdam); ESSLLI 2008
(Hamburg); FotFS VII (Brussels);
PhiMSAMP-4 (Brussels).
- 2009. LSIR-2
(Pasadena, chair);
PhiMSAMP-5 (Hatfield);
2009 (Heidelberg).
- 2010. Set Theory @ ISLA 2010 (Hyderabad); GLoriClass Farewell Event
(Amsterdam); Dialogues and Games:
Historical Roots and Contemporary Models (Lille);
to Barriers and Computing and Complexity (Greifswald);
Modeling Interaction, Dialog, Social Choice and
Vagueness (Amsterdam); PhiMSAMP-6
(Amsterdam/Utrecht); CiE 2010 (Ponta Delgada);
Obligationes: session at the IMC 2010 (Leeds); Mathematical Logic and Set Theory (Chennai);
DIPLEAP: Dialogues, Inference, and Proof (Vienna);
APMP 2010 (Brussels).
- 2011. LogICCC Meets India
Methodology of experimental and empirical
philosophy (Amsterdam); CiE 2011 (Sofia);
modelling for Interaction, Communication,
Cognition and Computation at CLMPS XIV (Nancy);
as Culture and Practice II (Greifswald).
- 2012.
The mathematical
legacy of Alan Turing (Cambridge); TiC
I (Cambridge);
Pattern Formation (Oxford);
DCM 2012 (Cambridge, chair);
CiE 2012 (Cambridge); CL 2012
Production of Breaking the Code by
the University Players Hamburg (Paderborn, Hamburg, Braunschweig, Amsterdam, Almere);
TiC II (Brussels);
CML 2012
- 2013.
AST 2013 (Amsterdam);
CiE 2013 (Milan); CMN
2013 (Hamburg); FotFS VIII (Cambridge,
- 2014.
Planning with epistemic goals (Schloß Dagstuhl);
HSTW 2014 (Hamburg);
AST 2014 (Amsterdam).
- 2015.
Cultures of Mathematics IV (Delhi),
5ESTC (Cambridge);
BLC 2015 (Cambridge),
DMV 2015 (Hamburg, chair),
Independence Results in Mathematics and Challenges in Iterated Forcing (HIF02, Norwich),
The Role of the Higher Infinite in Mathematics and Other Disciplines (HIF03, Cambridge).
- 2016.
HSTW 2016 (Hamburg),
The metaphysical 'because' and the foundations of mathematics (Hamburg),
Sektion Algebra, Logic, & Set Theory at
DMV 2016 (S25, Braunschweig),
Mini-symposium Recent results in axiomatic, combinatorial, and descriptive set theory at 7ECM (MS-17, Berlin),
CL 2016 (Hamburg).
- 2017.
Enabling Mathematical Cultures (Oxford).
- 2018.
Sektion Logik at GDMV 2018 (Paderborn),
Mini-symposium Georg Cantor (1845–1918) at GDMV 2018 (Paderborn),
Conference on Mathematical Logic (Niterói),
KNAW Akademie Colloquium Generalised Baire Spaces (Amsterdam),
AIPS 2018 (Amsterdam).
- 2019.
STUK 1 (Cambridge),
Symposia Denial of Facts, The International Year of the Periodic
Table, and The Gender Gap in the Sciences at
CLMPST 2019 (Prague).
- 2020.
Fudan Trifft Hamburg 3 (Hamburg),
HSTW 2020 (Hamburg),
MathCultPrac XI (St Andrews, postponed to 2021),
Sektion Logik at DMV 2020 (Chemnitz).
- 2023.
CaDProBI (Hamburg).
STUK 9 (Cambridge).
- 2024.
STUK 14 (Cambridge).
Programme committee memberships.
- 1999. FotFS I (Berlin, chair).
- 2000. FotFS II (Bonn, chair).
- 2001. FotFS III (Vienna, chair).
- 2002. CL 2002 (Münster).
- 2003. FotFS IV (Bonn, chair).
- 2004. FotFS V (Bonn, chair).
- 2005. CiE 2005 (Amsterdam, chair).
- 2006. CiE 2006 (Swansea), LOFT 2006 (Liverpool),
Logical Workshop 2006 Logic & Games
(Kazimierz Dolny).
- 2007. International Conference on Logic, Navya-Nyaya & Applications (Calcutta), KNAW
Academie Colloquium New perspectives on Games and Interaction (Amsterdam), PMP 2007 (Brussels),
FotFS VI (Amsterdam, chair), CiE 2007 (Siena), 1st European Conference on Set Theory (Bedlewo), CSL 2007
(Lausanne), FAInt-07 (Osnabrück), TbiLLC 2007 (Tbilisi).
- 2008. LSIR-1 (Aberdeen, chair), PhiMSAMP-3 (Vienna), CiE 2008 (Athens), LOFT 2008
(Amsterdam, chair), ESSLLI 2008 (Hamburg), FotFS VII (Brussels, chair).
- 2009. LSIR-2 (Pasadena, chair), CiE 2009 (Heidelberg), CSL 2009 (Coimbra), AGPC 2009
- 2010. Logical Approaches to Barriers and Computing and Complexity (Greifswald), CiE 2010
(Ponta Delgada), LOFT 2010 (Toulouse), APMP 2010 (Brussels).
- 2011. ICLA 2011,
PhDs in Logic III (Brussels),
Truth (Amsterdam), WoLLIC 2011
(Philadelphia), LATA 2011 (Tarragona), CiE 2011 (Sofia), CSL 2011
(Bergen), KI 2011 (Berlin), INT4 (Stanford), Mathematics as Culture
and Practice II (Greifswald, chair).
- 2012.
PhDs in Logic IV (Gent),
DCM 2012 (Cambridge, chair), CiE 2012 (Cambridge), MC1
(London), CL 2012 (Paderborn, chair), INT5 (Stanford), WoLLIC 2012
(Buenos Aires), KI 2012 (Saarbrücken), (Amsterdam),
TiC II (Brussels), CML 2012
- 2013.
CiE 2013 (Milan),
4ESTC (Mon St. Benet),
CMN 2013 (Hamburg),
MC2 (London),
KI 2013 (Koblenz),
FotFS VIII (Cambridge, chair),
INT6 (Boston).
- 2014.
INFTY Final Conference (Bonn),
MC3 (London),
PhDs in Logic VI (Utrecht),
(int)7 (Milwaukee),
CiE 2014 (Budapest),
CMN 2014 (Quebec),
CL 2014 (Neubiberg),
FOIS 2014 (Rio de Janeiro).
- 2015. ICLA 2015 (Mumbai),
CoM IV (Delhi, chair),
CMN 2015 (Atlanta),
CiE 2015 (Bucharest),
CLMPS XV (Helsinki),
5ESTC (Cambridge),
BLC 2015 (Cambridge),
DMV 2015 (Hamburg, chair),
HaPoC 2015 (Pisa),
INT8 (Santa Cruz CA).
- 2016.
CiE 2016 (Paris),
CMN 2016 (Krakow),
CL 2016 (Hamburg, chair).
- 2017.
ICLA 2017 (Kanpur),
WHC 2017 (Liège),
INT10 (Snowbird UT),
Enabling Mathematical Cultures (Oxford).
- 2018.
CiE 2018 (Kiel),
Conference on Mathematical Logic (Niterói),
GAP.10 (Köln),
CL 2018 (Bayreuth),
INTWICED 2018 (Edmonton AB).
- 2019.
ICLA 2019 (Delhi),
CiE 2019 (Durham),
CLMPST 2019 (Prague),
HaPoC 2019 (Bergamo).
- 2020.
MathCultPrac XI (St Andrews),
CiE 2020 (Salerno),
CL 2020 (Konstanz).
- 2021.
ICLA 2021,
EHC 2021 (Lisbon),
AIIDE 2021,
HaPoC 2021.
- 2022.
CL 2022 (Konstanz).
- 2024.
CL 2024 (Vienna, chair).
- 2025.
CMN 2025 (Geneva).
changed: 31 July 2024