Universität Hamburg
2019–. Ausschuß Mathematik Promotionsstipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung.
Mitglied des Fachbereichsrats (Vertreter: 2020–2022; Vollmitglied: 2022–2026).
2021–2025. Fachpromotionsausschuß Mathematik (Mitglied: 2021–2023; Vorsitzender: 2023–2025).
2023–2025. Fakultätspromotionsausschuß MIN-Fakultät.
University of Cambridge
Churchill College.
2020–2024. Member of the Ethics (& Reputational Risk) Committee.
Member of the Board
of Discipline.
Member of the Education Committee.
Member of the Working Group on Statutes & Ordinances.
Fellows' Steward.
Member of the Tutorial Committee.
Member of Council.
Faculty of Mathematics.
2021–2022. Convenor of the Directors of Studies.
2021–2022. Member of the Mathematics Undergraduate Admissions Committee (MUAC).
2021–2022 &
Member of the Faculty Board.
2023–2028. Member of the Part III Permissions Committee.
2023–2026. Member of the Part III Committee.
Universiteit van Amsterdam
2003-2004. Member of the opleidingscommissie MSc Logic.
2004-2010. Opleidingsdirecteur MSc Logic.
2008-2014 Scientific Coordinator UvA Erasmus Mundus
External Cooperation programmes (2009/10: India, 2010/11: India;
2011/12: Asia and South Africa; 2012/13: Asia and South Africa; 2013/14: India).
2010-2018. Member of the examencommissie MSc Logic
(chair: 2011-2018).
2018-2021. Chair of the Admissions Board MSc Logic.
2021–2022. Vice Director for Research of the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
2000-2005. Diplomprüfungsausschuß Mathematik (member).
2001-2004. Fachkommission Mathematik/Informatik (member, representative of the
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter).