- Extended abstract for my
talk Reflexive homology and involutive
Hochschild homology as equivariant Loday constructions at the
workshop Homotopical
Algebra and Higher Structures, August 2024.
- Notes for my talk An overview on
K-theoretic red-shift in our research seminar, July 2024.
- Notes for my plenary talk Gluing algebras to points at the conference Celebrating Women in Mathematical Sciences in Copenhagen, May 2024.
- Notes for my talk Loday construction for Tambara functors in the Topology Seminar in Bloomington, March 2024.
Notes for my plenary talk Gluing algebras to points and my thematic
talk Loday constructions for
Tambara functors at the WiMGo-conference
Developments in Mathematics, Göttigen September 2023.
Video of my
talk Loday constructions for Tambara functors at the HHH
follow on: Homotopy: fruit of the fertile furrow at the Isaac
Newton Institute, Cambridge, June 2023, and a
similar talk
at the conference Homotopy theory, K-theory, and trace methods held in July 2023 at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in honor of Bjørn Ian Dundas' 60th birthday.
- Video of my talk Comonoidal properties of I-chains at the follow-up workshop to the Junior Trimester Program "Topology" at the HIM in Bonn, September 2022.
- Slides for my colloquium
talk Algebraic models for topological spaces in Göttingen, May 12 2022.
- Slides for my
talk Models for topological spaces in I-chain complexes
Purdue Topology Seminar, April 27 2022.
- Slides for my talk Detecting and describing ramification for structured ring spectra
at the DMV-ÖMG-meeting, September 2021.
- Slides and
extended abstract for my talk
\(E_\infty\)-operads involved in homotopy colimits of
\(\mathcal{I}\)-chain complexes,
Oberwolfach, September 2021.
Slides for my talk
Detecting and describing ramification for structured ring spectra
at the eCHT research seminar, April 2021.
- Die Schönheit der Mathematik, Videoreihe
and report for my talk
Stability of Loday constructions at the Oberwolfach
Non-Commutative Geometry and Cyclic Homology, July 2020.
for my talk Cochains and spaces -- yet another approach
at the
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, December 2018.
Extended abstract for my Oberwolfach talk at
the topology meeting 2018 A strictly
commutative model for the cochain algebra on a space.
Video for my talk Juggling formulae for higher THH, conference
Homotopy Theory: tools and applications, University of Urbana-Champaign, July
Video for my talk Towards topological Hochschild homology of
Johnson-Wilson spectra, Transatlantic Transchromatic Homotopy Theory Conference,
Regensburg, June 2017
- Video
for my talk Juggling formulae for higher THH, workshop
K-Theory and Related Fields, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics,
June 2017.
Slides for my talk Homotopical algebra and
homotopy colimits at the Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop: New
interactions between homotopical algebra and quantum field theory,
December 2016 (handout version)
Slides for my talk
Towards an understanding of
ramified extensions of structured
ring spectra. Women in homotopy theory and algebraic geometry,
Berlin, September (handout version)
- Extended abstract of my Oberwolfach talk
(Higher) Topological Hochschild homology ‐ an overview.
- Kurzvortrag beim Tag der Mathematik 2015: Knoten und ihre Spiegelbilder.
- Extended abstract of my Oberwolfach
talk 2015: Higher THH of rings of integers
in number fields.
- Slides meines 15-Minuten-Vortrags bei der Nacht des Wissens 2013
zu Gleichungen fünften Grades
Vortrag beim British Math Colloquium 2013, Sheffield:
Hodge decomposition of higher order
Hochschild homology.
Slides meiner Vortragsreihe bei der GDR-Topologie
Tagung 2012 in
Lille: 1. Functor homology, 2.
Properties of the homology of (algebraic)
n-fold loop
spaces, 3. A spectral sequence for the
homology of a finite algebraic
- A spectral sequence for the homology of a finite
algebraic delooping.
Beamer slides for a talk at the Quillen Memorial Conference, MIT
2012. .
Extended abstract of my Oberwolfach
talk A spectral sequence for the
homology of a finite algebraic delooping, 2012.
A spectral sequence for the homology of a finite
algebraic delooping.
Beamer slides for a talk at the Fourth Arolla
Conference on Algebraic Topology 2012.
- Buchbesprechung: Modern Classical Homotopy
Theory; Jeffrey Strom,
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, vol. 127 AMS 2011 in: Jahresbericht
der deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Volume 114 (4), 2012.
groups for commutative S-algebras. Slides for a talk at the
conference Homotopy
and Non-Commutative Geometry in Tbilisi, Georgia.
An involution on the K-theory of (some) bimonoidal categories
. Slides for a talk at the
third Arolla conference on Algebraic Topology 2008.
- Homological perturbation theory and the existence
of the BRST differential: flip-book
- A lower bound for coherences on the Brown-Peterson spectrum, Rosendal 2005