Peer Tutoring
Currently, we are unfortunately unable to provide tutoring services due to a lack of availability.
However, you are welcome to send us your request at, and we will share it through our channels with other mathematics students. Please confirm in your email that we have permission to forward your request.
The request should include the following information:
Must Have
- Contact information such as email and/or mobile number.
- School or university? If it's school, which grade? If it's university, which program?
- Which topics should be covered?
- A few specific dates (e.g., for an exam) or regular tutoring sessions?
Lecturer of the Semester
Every semester, the Student Council of Mathematics, with the help of the students, selects the Lecturer of the Semester, who is then honored at the graduation ceremony. The election for the Lecturer of the Semester takes place as part of the evaluation process. Along with the evaluation forms, you will receive another sheet where you can write down your favorite and provide a reasoning for your choice. Votes without justification will not be considered. Please fill out this form only once during the semester!
The result will then be announced here, among other places.
Who should I vote for?
The election for the Lecturer of the Semester should not only be about choosing the professor who taught your favorite course this semester. It is also important for us to honor a lecturer who is always open to questions from you students, who advocates for you, and who is able to inspire you for mathematics.
Previous Lecturers of the Semester
- in WS 21/22
Prof. Dr. Ingo Runkel - in SS 21
Prof. Dr. Tobias Dyckerhoff - in WS 20/21
omitted - in SS 20
Prof. Dr. Natalie Neumeyer - in WS 19/20
omitted - in SS 19
Prof. Dr. Christina Brandt - in WS 18/19
Dr. Hubert Kiechle - in SS 18
Dr. Max Pitz - in WS 17/18
Prof. Dr. Michael Hinze - in SS 17
Dr. Susanne Koch - in WS 16/17
Prof. Dr. Sören Christensen - in SS 16
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Reiher - in WS 15/16
Prof. Dr. Reiner Lauterbach - in SS 15
Dr. Hubert Kiechle - in WS 14/15
Prof. Dr. Natalie Neumeyer - in SS 14
Dr. Winnifried Wollner - in WS 13/14
Dr. Susanne Koch - in SS 13
Prof. Dr. Jens Struckmeier - in WS 12/13
Prof. Dr. Janko Latschev - in SS 12
Dr. Susanne Koch - in WS 11/12
Prof. Dr. Timo Reis - in SS 11
Dr. Susanne Koch - in WS 10/11
Prof. Dr. Birgit Richter - in SS 10
omitted - in WS 09/10
omitted due to insufficient participation - in SS 09
omitted due to insufficient participation - in WS 08/09
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schweigert
In our regularly sent newsletter, we keep you updated on upcoming events, tutoring requests, important information, and updates on our major projects. You can sign up for the newsletter as follows:
Bachelor Mathematics
Economical Mathematics
Other Teachers
Previous Exams
In the FSR office in the TG, you will find a large collection of past exams and exam protocols. So if you need support while studying, just come by, and we will help you find the relevant materials. However, our Golden Rules apply:
Whoever reads exam protocols must write a new one themselves!
Those who use past exams for preparation must bring a task sheet after the exam!
This ensures that our collection is always up to date and that everyone can find what they need.
On-Site Library
In case you find the subject library too stuffy or prefer a more relaxed exchange with fellow students in the TG, you will find the on-site library of the Student Council (FSR) in the same place. It is located in the FSR office and includes many common textbooks as well as specialized literature from various mathematical fields, which you can use in the TG. Just approach any FSR member of your choice for assistance.
You can find an overview of the currently available books in the catalog. If a book is still missing, there is also a list on-site for acquisition requests, where you can add it, ideally with a brief justification.
Learning Thursday
The Learning Thursdays are particularly designed for first-year students who are not yet very experienced in mathematical proof techniques. During these sessions, a handful of experienced students are available to assist you with your homework, explain topics again, and generally answer your questions. The difference from the tutorial is that during Learning Thursdays, active work takes place, rather than just going through prepared questions.
Lounge T30
In our cozy little lounge, you can usually find a handful of people playing Doppelkopf or engaging in similar activities at almost any reasonable hour. In addition to various card and board games, there are comfortable sofas and tables, a projector, and refreshments available. You can find room T30 by going up one floor next to the elevators on the ground floor and then straight ahead.